cultivating the quiet

Hi Reader

This morning I would like to share a comic I made for an open call for a zine. Let me know your thoughts on the comic or anything related to the theme of retreating, disappearing, recharging and/or being alone if you feel like it, but maybe not responding would be more on theme :p

I've been prioritising listening to how I really feel when making plans. Something I noticed: Usually, when I'm in doubt over whether I should go to for example an event or not, I do actually know what I want deep down, but I'm just kind of afraid to admit that to myself, because for some reason I feel like I should go even though I don't actually feel like it. That was a long sentence. Does that make any sense?

Anyways, have a good week :)


reminder to self

the title alludes to something i wrote: “het leven is constant vergeten en herinneren wat er nou echt belangrijk is” (life is constantly forgetting and remembering again, what is truly important)

Read more from reminder to self

reminder to self #6 May '24 you're doing amazing sweetie good day! as we speak (or read and write and also probably not as you read cause you are not reading as i write… anyways) i am tying the last ends of my graduation project together, wowza! today i want to share with you an excerpt from my thesis (woohoo!) “having a dead mom always felt a bit like having some strange secret. i know you don’t know but i don’t know how to tell you. when is the right moment? a cloud loomed above me. it...

reminder to self #5 May '24 i have nothing to say that was a lie. it’s not that i have nothing to say. perhaps i just feel less inclined to say it. i’m afraid this is an excuse for why i have not written or sent a newsletter in the month of april. to be completely honest: i just didn’t feel like doing it and i don’t feel like anyone cares, so if i don’t care to say anything and no one cares to hear it then why should i care to stress over it? hm. this has a very negative tone. it’s not that...

reminder to self #4 March '24 nothing is good for you today’s recommendation is nothing hope you enjoy it :-) Z 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205Unsubscribe · Preferences