reminder to self #5: being late is better than not going at all

reminder to self #5

May '24

i have nothing to say

that was a lie. it’s not that i have nothing to say. perhaps i just feel less inclined to say it. i’m afraid this is an excuse for why i have not written or sent a newsletter in the month of april. to be completely honest: i just didn’t feel like doing it and i don’t feel like anyone cares, so if i don’t care to say anything and no one cares to hear it then why should i care to stress over it? hm. this has a very negative tone. it’s not that ‘no one cares’ but i highly doubt that anyone reading this now has been up at night waiting for the next one. (this is a good thing)

what is the reminder to myself in this? i hope: a reminder that it is okay. sometimes you have nothing to say and sometimes there are not enough words and not enough minutes to say what you have to say. in both of those situations it’s completely fine to go with what you feel. sometimes you feel quiet, and like you will never want to be loud again, until you are loud and feel like you’ll never be quiet again.

this too shall pass.

and also:
being late is better than not going at all.
and the systems you’ve set in place for yourself (in this case to write at least 100 words ) are good enough and you don’t have to outdo yourself every time.

recommendations babyyyy!

album: One Wayne G by Mac DeMarco (an album with 199 songs - very playful, i like painting and writing with this as background music)

movie: Moonrise Kingdom ( very beautiful, sweet film )

book: Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano ( poetic novel with incredibly well written characters - i hate it when characters in books are frustrating cause they do stupid things and the entire plot relies on bad communication - but these people acted in ways i never would, but i completely understood why )

with love!!!


ps. yesterday i launched a crowdfunding page for my graduation project <3

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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reminder to self

the title alludes to something i wrote: “het leven is constant vergeten en herinneren wat er nou echt belangrijk is” (life is constantly forgetting and remembering again, what is truly important)

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