
reminder to self

the title alludes to something i wrote: “het leven is constant vergeten en herinneren wat er nou echt belangrijk is” (life is constantly forgetting and remembering again, what is truly important)

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reminder to self #6: you're doing great, just keep at it <3

reminder to self #6 May '24 you're doing amazing sweetie good day! as we speak (or read and write and also probably not as you read cause you are not reading as i write… anyways) i am tying the last ends of my graduation project together, wowza! today i want to share with you an excerpt from my thesis (woohoo!) “having a dead mom always felt a bit like having some strange secret. i know you don’t know but i don’t know how to tell you. when is the right moment? a cloud loomed above me. it...

reminder to self #5 May '24 i have nothing to say that was a lie. it’s not that i have nothing to say. perhaps i just feel less inclined to say it. i’m afraid this is an excuse for why i have not written or sent a newsletter in the month of april. to be completely honest: i just didn’t feel like doing it and i don’t feel like anyone cares, so if i don’t care to say anything and no one cares to hear it then why should i care to stress over it? hm. this has a very negative tone. it’s not that...

reminder to self #4 March '24 nothing is good for you today’s recommendation is nothing hope you enjoy it :-) Z 113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205Unsubscribe · Preferences

reminder to self #3 March '24 you have time to read the newspaper and make the sudoku In dutch there is a saying: Geduld is een schone zaak. Which translates literally to "patience is a clean case", and means patience is a virtue. I find that in my ambition, which I prided myself in not too long ago, there lies a lot of naiveté and more importantly: haste. What’s the rush? Ambition can be so exhausting, why does everything have to happen over night? I feel like there is such a rush to get...

reminder to self #2 January '24 what does silence sound like today? sketches of people waiting for a theater performance to start *I originally wrote this text in dutch, scroll down for the original dutch version* my earbuds broke and I just saw an Instagram video of a boy singing the pitch of the ambient noise in a cafe. now I am sitting on the bus and listening, the state of the bus is no different than any other time I’ve been on it. but now, I listen and suddenly, the silence amplifies. I...

reminder to self #1 February '24 a new system systems have been getting a bad rep recently. well. maybe not recently. the ‘recently’ part of that sentence is biased, my existence only started recently. it’s all relative. anyways, some personal least favourites: the patriarchy, institutional racism, capitalism, the way i organise my digital files (i don't). just the first few to come to mind. however despite the fact that these systems are kind of fucked, not all systems are completely bad, of...

Hi Reader This morning I would like to share a comic I made for an open call for a zine. Let me know your thoughts on the comic or anything related to the theme of retreating, disappearing, recharging and/or being alone if you feel like it, but maybe not responding would be more on theme :p I've been prioritising listening to how I really feel when making plans. Something I noticed: Usually, when I'm in doubt over whether I should go to for example an event or not, I do actually know what I...

I didn’t realise I had forgotten how to dream. As children we are encouraged and even assigned to dream about our futures. They asked us to draw our dream house and what we wanted to be when we’d grow up. Somewhere along the way I stopped dreaming, I was more occupied with being realistic and rational. Sure, I had aspirations but those were always ones that I thought were within reach. My sister accused me once of not believing enough in a certain dream and that being the reason it did not...

Zena-Rae presents Newsletter #3 When the things you thought would make you happy, don't (in the way you expected) ↓ These past weeks I got hit hard with a realisation: ‘succes’ does not bring happiness. Haha. Cliché, I know. But with these types of lessons, you gotta live through them and really feel them to learn. That’s why I like asking for advice and not taking it. I want to learn the life lessons by living them, not by hearing about them. It might be more efficient to follow advice...

Newsletter #2 Two weeks have flown by. This is a good moment for me to stop and reflect. You're welcome to join me & feel free to respond :) Hi Reader! I thought I had 99 problems but the sun has made me forget what they were. I like to constantly question my happiness. Thankfully, the sun shining these past two days has made me forget to do that. I’m just happy in this moment, which is all that matters when you’re soaking up the sunlight. End of a chapter This past weekend was the final two...